One of the unconventional milk tea flavors is ginger milk tea. Can you enjoy ginger with milk? Many believe that ginger tea is best enjoyed plain, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy this healthy drink with milk! 

Ginger milk tea is a good source of nutrients and antioxidants. It’s also low in calories, a refreshing change from other beverages that tend to be high in sugar or fat. It’s no longer surprising to see many favoring this drink over the popular flavors available in the market. 

The great thing about this beverage is that its main ingredients are easy to find, and it’s definitely something you can make at home in less than 20 minutes!

What is Ginger Milk Tea?

ginger root and ginger powder in a bowl on gray brackground

Ginger is an important part of many traditional Asian cultures, where it was used medicinally for centuries before it became popular in the Western nations. Today, it’s been incorporated into both sweet desserts, like gingerbread, and savory dishes, like chicken soup or baked fish with ginger sauce.

Ginger is known for its gingerol compound, which has been shown to help reduce appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods that add up the extra kilos on your body. Ginger tea is, therefore, an excellent alternative to other beverages, like soda or juice, as it does not have any sugar added and can also be consumed with meals, as well.

What Does Ginger Milk Tea Taste Like?

Ginger tea is known for having a spicy taste. This is especially true if you’re using freshly grated ginger. The spiciness can be lessened if you use dried, loose chunks or tea bags. When you drink it, it will give you a soothing feeling in your throat. It’s recommended not to let it sit for long in your mouth because it might give you that burning feeling. 

Ginger Milk Tea Benefits

woman drinking tea on her couch

Ginger milk tea is a healthy drink that you can enjoy anytime. It’s packed with various nutrients and has low calories, making it a healthy alternative for those who want to stay fit and healthy. Here are some of the benefits of drinking ginger milk tea:

High in Nutritional Value

As a healthy drink, ginger milk tea helps you stay light on your feet and keeps you active all day long. It contains a high amount of nutritional value, which is good for your body.

Ginger milk tea is low in calories, as it has no sugar added to it. This means that this tea can be consumed by people who are trying to lose weight or control their weight, as well as those who want to gain muscle mass or build up their muscles.

Helps in Weight Management

Ginger milk tea is a great way to enjoy the taste of ginger. The calorie count of ginger milk tea is relatively less than most other types of tea out there, so you can enjoy your cup without worrying about gaining weight.

The calorie count of a cup of regular black tea ranges from 100-150 calories per cup, while green teas tend to contain between 200-300 calories per cup. In comparison, ginger milk tea only contains 60-80 calories per serving, with no added sugar or sweeteners!

Ginger is a common ingredient you can find anywhere. It has positive effects on your digestive system. The use of ginger as a part of ginger milk tea helps keep your digestive system working smoothly by improving digestion and preventing nausea and motion sickness. 

Lowers Risk of Stroke

Ginger is a great source of antioxidants, which can help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. It also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, giving you more energy throughout the day. A study published in The American Journal of Cardiology found that people who drank ginger tea had lower levels of bad cholesterol than those who didn’t drink it at all or drank another type of tea (such as green).

Ginger contains volatile oils that help keep plaque buildup on arterial walls from building up over time. This helps prevent clots from forming in arteries, leading to heart attacks and strokes—two major killers!

Ginger tea is a good source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents plaque buildup on the arterial walls that lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Fights Inflammation

Ginger tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols that help reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with inflammation-related diseases, such as arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). 

Studies have shown that, when taken regularly over time, it can improve symptoms associated with RA, like joint pain or stiffness by reducing swelling within joints.

Soothes Sore Throat

Ginger tea helps relieve sore throat in various ways. It does so by serving as a pain reliever with its anti-inflammatory properties discussed above. It also fights infections by boosting immunity through its bioactive compounds. 

It’s best to drink while the ginger tea is hot, but not piping hot, to maximize the soothing relief. The mixture of ginger spice, steam from the heat, and the compounds of the tea will help relieve the pain. 

It’s no wonder that ginger is considered one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It has plenty of benefits, like lowering blood pressure and protecting against heart disease. If you want to try out this tea for yourself, we recommend finding a local coffee shop or corner store with a large selection of teas so that you can sample different ones! Or, are you ready to learn how to make ginger tea with milk yourself? Let’s start!

Ginger Milk Tea Ingredients

ginger root and slices on white background

Yield: 2 cups

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Here’s what you need:

  • Ginger Root (2 cm): Make sure to use fresh ginger root to get the best flavor. Ginger root is easy to find in most grocery stores. You can tell its freshness by smelling it or checking its skin. The skin shouldn’t be wrinkled. 
  • Water (2 cups): It’s best to use filtered water rather than tap water to allow the taste of the ginger to come out. 
  • Milk (1.5 cups): 2% dairy milk works best, or you can use almond milk as a healthier option. 
  • Black tea (2 tablespoons of loose leaves): You can use Assam black tea to complement the spiciness of the ginger. The level of caffeine in your ginger tea will depend on the length of time you infuse the tea. For a fuller tea flavor, use loose leaves. Tea bags will also work. 
  • Sugar (to taste): You can choose to use sugar syrup or honey. If you can take the spiciness of the ginger, it’s also okay to skip adding sugar. This also applies if you’re suffering from a sore throat or are sensitive to slight increases in sugar levels. 

How to Make Ginger Milk Tea

Are you excited to make one of the healthiest milk tea drinks? Let’s start!

Step 1: Boil filtered water.

Fill your pot with filtered water. It’s best to use filtered water because tap water will affect the tea’s flavor, particularly if you have hard water at home. Two cups of filtered water should be enough. 

Step 2: Add the ginger root.

You have two options here. You can choose to slice the ginger root after washing and drying it, or you can also grate it before adding it to the boiling water. When you grate it, you’ll allow the ginger’s flavor to come out stronger. 

Let it boil for a minute so the fresh ginger flavor thoroughly infuses the water.

Step 3: Add the tea leaves.

When you start to smell the ginger, add the loose black tea leaves (or tea bags) to the mixture. Cover it with a lid and turn off the heat. 

Let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on how concentrated you want the tea to come out. 

Step 4: Prepare the milk. 

While your ginger tea mixture is infusing, prepare the milk by warming it up in the microwave. After warming it, pour the milk into the ginger tea mixture. 

Remove the lid and boil the ginger milk tea mix. Once the tea bubbles come up to the edge of the pot, remove it from the heat. 

Step 5: Serve and enjoy!

Add sugar to taste then strain the ginger milk tea into a cup. Serve and enjoy!


  • You can choose to add lemon to your ginger milk tea if you want it to have a little zest. 
  • Since this mixture uses boiled milk, it’s best to consume it immediately. 


Is it okay to mix ginger with milk?

Yes, it’s okay to mix milk and ginger together. Milk will balance the spicy flavor of ginger. 

How do you make ginger tea without the milk curdling?

Milk will curdle when there’s a sudden change in the pH level. When it turns acidic, the milk’s protein (i.e. casein) molecules will clump together. This curdling will float to the surface of the solution. Faster curdling also happens in higher temperatures.

When mixing your ginger tea, avoid adding the milk before the ginger and water. It’s also best if you can warm the milk before adding it to the ginger tea so it doesn’t release its acid. 

What goes in first, milk or tea?

When it comes to tea preparation, you add milk after the tea. This is because you want to prevent the milk from curdling. Adding in milk before the tea prevents you from knowing the strength of the tea by its color and fragrance.