It’s always a delight to hear someone sing nice lyrics with a melody that takes little effort. Professional and aspiring singers know that there is a lot of training and methods of taking care of their vocal cords. They need to take care of their vocal cords and avoid allergies, colds, and smoky and dusty environments that affect their voice.
You might be wondering, Is tea good for singers?
One of the best ways for singers to take care of their voices is by drinking warm tea. This principle is excellent help to singers who overuse their throats and when they become inflamed. Tea has many antioxidants that can protect your body against harmful elements.
To protect a singer’s vocal cords, here are some tea properties that work:
- Anti-inflammatory – helps relieve pain, especially for singers who overuse their throats while singing.
- Antioxidant – helps in repairing and supporting healthy tissue.
- Antimicrobial – can kill bacteria in the throat.
Best Herbal Teas for Vocal Cords and Singers
When you think of tea, the first thing that comes to mind is likely yummy flavors, like vanilla, and maybe some herbal varieties, like chamomile. Did you know, however, that drinking tea can be good for you? Tea has numerous health benefits, such as boosting your immune system, preventing disease, and improving your skin.
In the case of singers, the benefits listed above are advantageous. Singing is a high-stress activity that puts your body through many strains daily. Keeping your body healthy will help reduce the risk of sustaining an injury or contracting an illness from overexertion.
There are plenty of teas with special properties that make them good for singers. Let’s learn more about some of these benefits so we can pick the right one next time we brew a cup!
What is the best drink for singers? Here are the best herbal teas for singers that you should know.
Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is one of the most popular teas for singers, providing the necessary ingredients to cure an overused throat. It’s even considered a singer’s tea due to its anti-inflammatory property, which acts as a natural pain reliever. Ginger is a trusted Chinese medicine anywhere in the world, and it helps us in boosting our immune system.
Drinking ginger tea can help fight an infection because of its bioactive compounds for singers who catch a sore throat because of excessive use. Singers can also control their blood sugar levels with ginger tea since it doesn’t contain caffeine. Adding a teaspoon of honey to the tea will provide a smooth coating inside the singer’s throat.
Ginger tea also has antioxidants that help in soothing irritated throats and fight other viruses. Many consider this the best tea for vocal cords, which is vital for all singers to keep healthy.
Singers have a routine of taking care of their throats. Drinking ginger tea is one of them, involving the correct quantity and time of consumption.
Ginger Turmeric Tea

Some ginger tea can be combined with turmeric. It has the benefits of maintaining healthy vocal cords. Ginger turmeric tea has a great taste, a pleasing aroma, and smooth flavor.
Some will combine fresh mangos and oranges with their ginger turmeric tea. Others add a squeeze of lemon to help heal a sore throat. Lemons contain vitamin C, which can boost immunity and treat the infected throat.
Green Tea

Green tea is a beverage that people in Asian countries have consumed for thousands of years. It’s a staple of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultures and is also loved by people in many other nations worldwide. It is also one of the best teas for singers.
Green tea reduces lactic acid buildup in muscles. This means a singer’s vocal cords will have a reduced chance of developing that scratchy, sore feeling that makes it difficult to hit specific notes or hold certain chords.
Green tea is also an excellent source of Vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant that research has shown to be highly effective at preventing water loss through the skin. When your body is dehydrated, it puts more stress on your vocal cords. A simple way to reduce this stress is to drink plenty of water, but some teas are proven more effective than water at rehydrating the body.
Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is technically a semi-fermented tea that is a hybrid of black tea and green tea. It was originally produced in China, which is as popular as green tea. Oolong tea is an excellent choice for singers because it helps reduce inflammation.
While green tea is most effective at preventing lactic acid buildup, oolong tea is best at reducing inflammation in the body. This makes it an excellent tea for singers who have recently experienced vocal injuries. It will help reduce swelling and irritation in the throat, larynx, and vocal cords.
Since oolong tea fights inflammation, it also helps to reduce the risk of blood clots, which can be dangerous for singers, especially those with a history of already having them.
White Tea

White tea is a rare, exotic tea only harvested in a few select regions worldwide. It is a delicious, delicate beverage that many tea connoisseurs love. White tea is great for singers because it protects the body against oxidative damage. In addition to providing a source of caffeine, white tea also contains a high amount of antioxidants.
These compounds are effective at neutralizing the adverse effects of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is caused by the presence of free radicals in the body. These harmful molecules can significantly damage cells in the body, including the cells that make up the vocal cords.
Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is an everyday herbal tea from a variety of different flowers. It has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Chamomile tea is an excellent choice for singers because it can protect the voice from damage caused by overuse. Chamomile tea’s high amount of antioxidants makes it an effective protector against oxidative stress that can damage vocal cords.
Chamomile tea also contains natural anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent option for singers who put a lot of strain on their voices, especially when performing regularly.
Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a popular herbal tea made from the leaves of a peppermint plant. It helps soothe the throat and vocal cords when irritated.
One of the essential benefits of peppermint tea for singers is that it contains menthol. This is a natural, soothing agent that can help reduce inflammation and irritation when consumed. Peppermint tea is also a good source of Vitamin C, which may help to prevent dehydration.
Ginseng Tea

Ginseng tea is a traditional Chinese tea made from the root of a ginseng plant. It is a delicious beverage that is loved by many.
A source of caffeine, ginseng tea is also an excellent source of ginsenosides, a type of antioxidant that has been proven to be effective at reducing oxidative stress and protecting vital organs, including the vocal cords, against damage caused by free radicals.
The properties in certain teas benefit singers by improving the body’s ability to handle lactic acid buildup, reducing inflammation from overexertion, and protecting against the damaging effects of dehydration. This article includes the best teas for singers if you want to maintain optimum vocal performance without sacrificing your taste buds.
Whether you’re a practicing musician or just someone who loves to sing regularly, you may have noticed that your voice doesn’t always sound as great as it could. This is because, when we sing, our vocal cords and various other singing muscles are put under a lot of stress.
Research has shown that musicians who frequently perform can put their voices at risk for long-term damage by overstraining them. Fortunately, there are a variety of different teas that can help you protect your voice while also making it sound better in the process.
The best drink for a singing voice is ginger tea, but you can also have green tea, oolong tea, white tea, chamomile tea, peppermint tea, ginseng tea, and any other tea that contains antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, or caffeine. These ingredients protect the body against oxidative stress, hydrate the vocal cords, and prevent blood clots from forming.
Is tea good for singing?
Yes, tea is suitable for all singers, but it depends on what type of tea. Caffeinated black tea is more harmful than giving comfort to a singer’s irritated throat. The caffeine content in black teas can stimulate anxiety and negatively affect a singer’s performance.
Singers should avoid caffeinated black teas, but if they quickly get nervous on stage, they can have decaffeinated tea as a substitute.
Singers should also avoid loading lots of sugar in their teas, as it can give them major health problems.
What tea is good for vocal cords?
The best tea is ginger, followed by peppermint. Both these herbal teas help singers calm and relax their vocal cords.
How do I clear my voice for singing?
Clear your voice by drinking water two hours before your performance to hydrate your vocal cords. It lessens irritation. Make sure the water is at room temperature.