Are you tired of sipping the same old cup of tea every day? Ever wonder: what do people add to their tea to make it more exciting? You’re not alone! 

The art of enhancing tea flavors has caught the attention of many. Tea additives are becoming a hot topic, from traditional herbs to unconventional spices.

People increasingly enjoy customizing their tea, making each cup a unique experience. This article aims to spice up your tea routine by exploring 15 ingredients that can elevate the taste of your tea. So, let’s dive in and discover how to make your next cup memorable!

Why Customize Your Tea?

Personalized drinks are all the rage, and tea’s no exception. You can boost your health while savoring new flavors. Think ginger for digestion or cinnamon for blood sugar control.

The tea itself offers a versatile base for all these customizations. Whether you start with green, black, or herbal tea, each type brings its own flavors and health benefits. This makes tea an ideal playground for flavor experiments. 

What to Put in Tea to Make It Taste Better

Ready to turn your tea into a flavor-packed experience? Curious about what to add to tea for that extra zing? How to Improve the taste of your tea with these 15 ingredients is your go-to guide.

Sweeteners and Natural Sugars

honey jar together with a cup of tea and one slice of orange fruit

Craving a sweeter cup? Sweeteners and natural sugars can help!

  • Honey: Adds a floral sweetness, perfect for herbal teas.
  • Maple Syrup: Gives a woody, caramel-like flavor to black teas.
  • Agave Nectar: Offers a mild sweetness, ideal for green teas.

Spices and Herbs

cinnamon sticks on small transparent glass situated on white table

Spice up your life and your tea! Spices and herbs can do wonders!

  • Cinnamon: Adds warmth and helps with blood sugar.
  • Cardamom: Brings a spicy, citrusy kick.
  • Ginger: Offers a zesty flavor and aids digestion.

Citrus Fruits

orange slices on small white plate together with a cup of tea

Citrus fruits can brighten up your tea and your day! They offer a burst of flavor and a dose of vitamin C that’s great for your immune system.

  • Lemon: A slice of lemon transforms your green tea into a citrusy delight.
  • Orange Zest: Pair it with black tea for a heavenly combination, balancing intense flavors with a sweet, citrusy aroma.

Floral Additions

lavender flower on a white bowl situated on a green table

Embrace the garden in your teacup with floral additions. These herbs can work wonders:

  • Lavender: Transform your tea into a soothing garden escape. Its fragrant aroma relaxes the mind, imparting a subtly sweet, minty essence.
  • Chamomile: This floral superstar has the power to harmonize the robust notes of green or white teas, creating a serene and tranquil evening tea ritual.

Dairy and Non-Dairy Milk

tea with milk served on a teacup together with a white teapot on white background

Milk choices can elevate your tea experience!

  • Traditional Milk: Creates a creamy, slightly sweet experience for your English Breakfast tea.
  • Almond Milk: Perfect for vegans or lactose intolerant individuals, it adds a nutty flavor that herbal teas adore.
  • Oat Milk: As another excellent option, it provides a naturally sweet and creamy texture, turning any tea into a delightful treat.

Alcoholic Enhancements

rum bottle together with wine cup and cigar on brownish background

Adding alcohol to tea might sound unconventional, but it’s a practice that can elevate your tea experience to new heights. 

  • Whiskey: Pairs exceptionally well with robust black teas, infusing them with its warming and complex notes.
  • Rum: Enhances the aromatic richness of chai or spiced teas with its sweet and spicy profile, creating a harmonious fusion.
  • Brandy: With its fruity and floral undertones, brandy beautifully complements lighter teas, such as oolong or white tea, resulting in a tasteful combination.

Sweet Treats and Desserts

peppermint leaves on tea cup with water

Indulge your sweet tooth with these delightful tea enhancements. Sweet treats and desserts can transform your tea into a decadent experience.

  • Chocolate Chips: Imagine sipping tea that mirrors your favorite dessert. Chocolate chips can turn this dream into reality. They melt seamlessly into your tea, creating a silky, chocolatey infusion that’s both soothing and luxurious.
  • Caramel: If you lean toward the caramel side, a dollop of caramel in your black tea produces a velvety, sweet fusion that’s simply irresistible.
  • Peppermint Leaves: Elevate your dessert-inspired tea with a touch of peppermint leaves, especially when paired with chocolate-flavored tea. The minty zest revitalizes your taste buds, transforming each sip into a harmonious blend of richness and invigorating flavors. 

Superfood Boosts

matcha powder on a brown bowl situated on a brown table

Elevate your tea to a supercharged elixir with these potent ingredients.

  • Turmeric: Infuse your tea with earthy richness and health benefits. Black and herbal teas harmonize beautifully with turmeric, and a pinch of black pepper enhances nutrient absorption.
  • Matcha: Harness the power of powdered green tea. Matcha is a treasure trove of antioxidants, offering a concentrated source of nutrients. Simply add a spoonful to your usual green tea for an enriched flavor and a nutritional boost.

Salty and Savory Elements

rosemary herbs on brown table

Tea can be completely transformed by the addition of the right spices and herbs.

  • Sea Salt: A pinch of sea salt can awaken your tea’s flavors. Sweet teas, in particular, benefit from this touch, gaining depth and complexity.
  • Rosemary: Add a touch of rosemary for a savory twist. Its herbal notes bring a delightful contrast to your tea’s taste profile.
  • Bacon: Yes, you read that right! Bacon is making waves as an unconventional addition to tea, especially in smoky varieties like Lapsang Souchong. 

Nuts and Nut Butters

hazelnuts on brown table

The addition of nuts or nut butters to your cup of tea will make it taste even better. With these toppings, your tea will become a tasty treat.

  • Almonds: Create a creamy, satisfying texture in your tea. Almond butter, in particular, pairs perfectly with herbal teas, infusing them with a nutty delight that elevates your cup.
  • Hazelnuts: Bring a slightly sweet, buttery flavor to the table. They complement robust teas like black and oolong exceptionally well. A handful of crushed hazelnuts can turn your ordinary tea time into a gourmet adventure.

Mint Leaves

fresh mint leaf plant

Mint leaves are like a breath of fresh air for your tea. Their cool, menthol flavor can elevate your tea-drinking experience in numerous ways. Whether you’re sipping on herbal, green, black, or oolong tea, mint leaves can play a starring role or gracefully enhance the overall flavor profile.

  • Fresh Mint Leaves: These vibrant green leaves offer a powerful burst of flavor. You can either muddle them or toss them in whole to infuse your tea with their invigorating essence. 
  • Dried Mint: If convenience and a longer shelf life are priorities for you, dried mint is the answer. While it may not be as potent as fresh leaves, it still delivers that refreshing minty goodness to your tea. 

Fruit Juices

sliced pineapple and pineapple juice served on pitcher

If you’re seeking to elevate your tea-drinking experience, consider adding fruit juices for a burst of flavor that can transport you to different culinary destinations. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Pineapple Juice: Dream of a tropical getaway with a splash of pineapple juice in your tea. Its natural sweetness and tangy flavor can make each sip feel like a mini-vacation, adding a delightful twist to your brew.
  • Apple Juice: For a more familiar and comforting sweetness, apple juice is a versatile choice. It pairs well with a wide variety of teas and brings a homey, delicious quality to your cup.
  • Pear Juice: If you’re sipping on lighter teas, like green or white, opt for milder fruit juices like pear juice. It offers a subtle sweetness that won’t overpower the delicate flavors of these teas.

Coconut Milk and Cream

coconut milk placed on top of a brown table together with brown plate and 1 small jar containing coconut oil

Take your tea on a tropical journey by adding coconut milk or cream. This is especially delightful in spiced teas like chai. Here are your options:

  • Canned Coconut Milk or Cream: Convenient canned options are readily available, but some may contain added sugars or preservatives. They offer a quick and easy way to infuse your tea with that rich coconut flavor.
  • Homemade Coconut Milk: For a fresher and more natural taste, consider making your own coconut milk. While it requires a bit more effort, the result can be well worth it. Homemade coconut milk adds an authentic touch to your tea.

Vanilla Extract

vanilla extract on a small shot glass together with vanilla dried sticks and spoon situated on white serving plate

Turn your tea into a dessert-like treat with the magic of vanilla extract. Here’s how to use it:

  • A Few Drops of Vanilla Extract: Add a few drops of vanilla essence to your tea for a sweet, aromatic taste that complements its inherent characteristics. Black teas taste great with this, but so do herbal and green teas, too.
  • Whole Vanilla Pod: For a more intense vanilla flavor, opt for a whole vanilla pod. Slice it open and scrape out the seeds, adding them directly to your tea. This method provides a richer, more concentrated vanilla experience.

Star Anise

close up shot of dried star anise

Discover a unique licorice-like flavor by incorporating star anise into your tea. Here’s how to use this intriguing spice:

  • Star-Shaped Pods: Star anise pods not only add flavor but also visual appeal to your tea. They bring a complex, aromatic profile to your cup.
  • Ideal Pairings: Star anise works particularly well with chai and black teas, where its robust flavor can complement the tea’s strength. Just one or two pods are usually sufficient to infuse your tea with its distinctive taste.

Tea Blending Techniques

Ever wondered how to make your tea even more exciting? Want to create a blend that’s uniquely yours? Let’s dive into some tea blending techniques to help you do that.

  • Mixing Varieties: Start simply by combining two different types of tea. Try blending a robust black tea with a lighter green tea. You’ll get a mix that’s both strong and refreshing.
  • Flavor Fusion: Add herbs or spices to your favorite tea. For example, mix chamomile with green tea and add a dash of cinnamon. You’ll get a blend that’s both calming and spicy.
  • Fruit Infusion: Dried fruits can add a natural sweetness. Mix some dried apple pieces into a basic black tea for a hint of fruitiness.
  • Floral Notes: Flowers like lavender or rose petals can add a fragrant twist. Try adding them to a simple white tea for a floral experience.
  • Strength Balance: If you like strong tea but don’t want it overpowering, blend a strong tea like Assam with a milder tea like Darjeeling.

Tips for Successful Tea Blending

Ready to become a tea blending pro? Before you start, let’s review some tips for successful tea blending to ensure your experiments turn out great.

  • Quality Matters: Always use high-quality tea leaves. Better ingredients yield better blends.
  • Small Batches: Start with small amounts. This way, you won’t waste tea if you don’t like the blend.
  • Taste Test: Always taste your blend before making a large batch. Adjust the ratios as needed.
  • Note-Taking: Keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Write down the ratios and ingredients for future reference.
  • Steeping Time: Pay attention to how long you steep your blend. Different teas require different steeping times.
  • Temperature Check: Use the proper water temperature for your blend. Some teas need hotter water, while others require a cooler temperature.


Can You Put Milk in Tea?

Yes, you can. Milk adds creaminess and can soften intense flavors.

Do I Add Anything to Tea?

Yes, it’s up to you! From honey to lemon, the options are endless.

Can I Put Creamer in Tea?

Yes. Creamer gives your tea a rich, smooth texture.